Monday, December 04, 2006

Even more on the “Flying Imams – From Pajamas Media: “It was almost as if they were intentionally trying to get kicked off the flight.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    If only the airlines/airports would have the sack not to go along with this ridiculous and obvious ploy.

    Wouldn't it be sweet to hear an airline spokesman say: "Nobody else seems to have this problem. So stop your ululating and use the chapel we provide. If that's not convenient just pray quietly, humbly and inobtrusively. Show the respect for others that you so stridently demand be shown for you."

    Fat chance. Instead they will accept invitations to visit mosques and listen to douchebags drone on about how put upon they are for intentionally engaging in anti-social and confrontational behavior that is in opposition to the teachings of their own religion. If the rest of us made a demonstration like this in an airport or an airplane we would be hauled off by security.
