Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Checking out – I’m packing in tonight because Blogger’s acting up again; comments may be affected. Oh, and Castro may be dead. Who knows? Goodnight.


  1. When Castro dies, the world will lose a statesman, a man of the people, a man who provided universal medical care and education for everyone, a man of conscience and dignity who led his peoples to prosperity and gave them a worker's paradise that Americans can only dream of.

    (I just got an advance of the NY Times editorial and decided to share it. I hope Castro dies painfully, and I hope that he has been in pain for months.

  2. Anonymous11:43 PM

    When castro dies they will be throwing a big big party to welcome him to a new place where theres lots of fire and brimstone and a certian fellow with horns and s pitchfork

  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    I just got an advance of the NY Times editorial and decided to share it. I hope Castro dies painfully, and I hope that he has been in pain for months.

    Whereas our raving friend Brian is clearly feeling no pain...

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Thanks for standing up for yourself, Old Gray Boogeylady.

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Thanks for standing up for yourself, Old Gray Boogeylady.

    The Old Gray Boogeylady will stand down, when the blogosphere stands up!
