Friday, December 08, 2006

The Bay State’s new governor

Massachusetts has elected its first Democratic governor in nearly two decades and he’s putting on a show for the (well-heeled) people. From the Boston Globe: “Deval’s coronation

Deval L . Patrick has planned a five-day extravaganza for early January costing anywhere from $1 million to $1.6 million, a state record, and perhaps twice what Mitt Romney spent. Exact details haven't been released, but Patrick apparently plans to ride a hand-carried chariot from Boston to the Berkshires as a collection of serfs throws rose petals.

Just kidding, but barely. There will be parties here, parties there, parties everywhere, including a private event for big-ticket donors who are footing the bulk of the bill. The big gala, which is supposed to be accessible to the average Joe, costs $50 a head. I don't know of a lot of working couples ready to spend $100 to watch their governor and the first lady waltz.
Five days? Whatever happened to a speech and a ball?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I understand the speech bit for Deval, Who's he going to ball?
