Monday, December 18, 2006

The Bay State banana republic

Joe Kennedy is supplying heating oil to needy Bay Staters at 40% off “with help from our friends in Venezuela.”

From Publius Pundit: “Chavez resurrects slavery

It’s all the same slavery. Chavez has vowed to accelerate the Cubanization of his country with his ‘election,’ and this is a significant step toward it. Chavez calls it ‘revolutionary democracy and here’s who Chavez got the idea from: his own mentor, Fidel Castro, who regularly forces Cubans to donate one day a week in unpaid labor for the glorification of Castro’s island carcel. The place looks like hell, and is known as Cuba.
Unsurprisingly, the Kennedys are happy to hobnob with crazy Chavez and take his oil. I can only imagine that mentioning Citgo and "our friends in Venezuela" must have been a pre-condition set down by Chavez himself. Glob on that lipstick for your man, Joe.

Flashback – From Gateway Pundit: “Massive anti-Chavez protest in Caracas.”

Extra – And here’s a reminder from Polipundit: Ted Kennedy loves oil from Chavez, hates renewable wind power.


  1. amazing ain't it!

    i posted on this kennedy-chavez link over a year ago.

    a few weeks ago the wsj did a piece on it.

    but it gets no traction.

    the left in general and the kennedy's in particular get a free ride from the msm.

    that's why we need to de-monopolize the msm; VISINE IT: get the red out.

    all the best! merry christmas and happy new year!

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The Kennedy involved with the oil non-profit gets paid $400,000 a year. I beleive he also gets a rent free condo.

    Why is not this being broadcast?

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Not being broadcast? And who told you? A magic pixie?
