Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Typical college “tolerance” in the Pioneer Valley – Here’s Mike Adams’ account of his reception at the University of Massachusetts here in my neck of the woods: “I was in Amherst, Massachusetts – a place somewhere in America. Or so they say.”

Extra – More open minds at Brown University.

More – From the UMass Daily Collegian’s account of the speech:

"I think it's a dang shame that we couldn't have a dialog." says Berra Denow, a first year student from Hampshire College who came to protest the speech.

Denow, who considers himself to be a progressive democrat, feels that while that the majority of the students protesting Adams' speech were there to take part the debate in a calm and reasonable manner, a few were not.

"It's about freedom of speech, and changing people's minds is about having a dialog. The best thing you can do for your side is to represent yourself well, and I think most of the people in this audience were doing that, there were just a few crazy people who came up, ranted and got off topic, and I think that's a dang shame," said Denow.


  1. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Yeah, and Barbra Streisand had to interrupt her concert to shout down a heckler. What a world, huh? And that YouTube link with the two people chanting a slogan, TWICE in a ROW, was chilling!

    The important thing is that Doctor Adams managed to get the word out that U.Mass liberals smell bad. And that gays are "men." And that Margaret Sanger shared an agenda with Adolf Hitler. The truth cannot be silenced!

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The only conservative? I don't think so. Conservatives may be in the minority in happy valley but you are not the only one... so hyperbole is de rigeur on Viking Pundit.

    The point of your post seems to be liberals are hypocritical when it comes to free speech. Some are, of course. Many are not. That lance can be used to skewer some liberals but when it's used to skewer all liberals, it is used dishonestly.

    Six years of Bush 43 has left our country in a seriously comprimised position.

    The Bush imperial presidency - in which the chief executive feels empowered to ignore federal law that requires warrants to wiretap US citzens, to ignore the great writ of Habeas Corpus for US Citizens by labelling them 'enemy combatants, to torture - is a disaster.

    Furthermore, there is little about Bush that is conservative and I would expect Republicans to initiate the impeachment process.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    You said it Anonymous

    How dare Bush act like every other war time president since Washington. The man is copying things done by AL, FDR, JFK, LBJ Who does he think he is? The President of the United States?

  4. Anonymous6:29 PM

    No, no, no, Anonymous Jr. Didn't you get the memo? GWB is our Winston Churchill! 9/11 was Pearl Harbor, and Saddam was Hitler, and the Dixie Chicks are the Andrews Sisters, and tax cuts for the rich are rationing, and... well, Bush = Churchill, okay?
