Friday, November 10, 2006

More post-mortems – All is well, declares Charles Krauthammer in “Only a minor earthquake”: all those Democrats were really conservative anyway and Joe Lieberman won too. And George Will flogs his “genius of the political market” theme again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 AM

    As of this writing, they won 29 House seats (with a handful still in the balance), slightly below the post-1930 average for the six-year itch in a two-term presidency.

    It's always useful when election stats from 1938 and 1950 are compared with today's gerrymandered retention rates. Attention whore Ann Coulter was running around blabbering that anything less than 60 pickups in the House would be disastrous for the Dems.

    As for Krauthammer's red bubble theorizing (...does not make this election a great anti-conservative swing), you can't deny the boy his dreams. You wonder how he'll spin it in 2008, when 21 GOP Senators are up for reelection, compared with 12 Democratic ones.
