Sunday, November 05, 2006

Let him dangle – Saddam Hussein sentenced to death: “Saddam Hussein, the iron-fisted dictator who ruled Iraq for nearly a quarter of a century, was found guilty of crimes against humanity Sunday and sentenced to death by hanging.”


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Mommy, tell me more about the despicable Democrats and the way they may have purposely timed the Mark Foley IMs for maximum political effect...

  2. Seriously, eric, you're sockpuppeting all these idiots (well, probably one idiot with multiple aliases, but really, now) because nobody could really keep this up unless it was a huge joke, right?

  3. Anonymous12:07 AM

    You just have to laugh at those suspicious idiots, and those crackpot sock puppets. Or at least the ones on the tinfoil Defeatocrat side! (Karl Rove! Booga booga!)

    "Do you find it a little more than curious that some of these instant messages that went back and forth are several years old, and were only released after the Republican primary election was finished, which makes it difficult to replace him on the ballot?... Do you find the timing, the fact that some people have had and known about these for years, and that they're only released at this point; is that curious to you?... Who knew? Why did they leak it now, thirty-some-odd days out of an election, when they had this for three years? That's a big question in my mind.... You see a lot of things unfolding just before an election. You see that this is just pure politics. Is there any principle left? ...In other words, were they held back to maximize the political impact before an election?”
    --Sean Hannity, on the timing of the Mark Foley instant message scandal

    "I'm just telling you that the orgy and the orgasm that has been taking place in the media since Friday and with the Democrats is all coordinated, and it's all oriented toward the election...I don't know about you, but especially during a heated election season, I don't believe in coincidence... I mean, who benefits from the timing on this? You always look at that, or I always do. Who benefits from this?... Folks, I tell you what, this is not anywhere near the end. We've got five weeks to go, and I am sure that there are other things in their hopper that they are going to be, whoa, looky here, breaking news, that has been planned for months."
    --Rush Limbaugh on the Foley scandal

    "[The timing is] suspicious... If somebody knew of these messages and didn't come forward, they're putting kids in jeopardy -- for a year, for a month or for a day... [the messages come out] on the last day after Foley can't get his name off the ballot, and we're leaving for a national campaign, and then this thing falls. It's kind of an October surprise, I guess you'd call it."
    --Rep. Dennis Hastert, on the Foley scandal

    "We also need to know why these messages surfaced only last week, on the final day of legislative business before the November elections."
    --Rep. John Boehner, on the Foley scandal

    “Does the fact that the North Koreans actually tested a nuclear weapon balance out the bad news from this Foley scandal?”
    --John Gibson, seeing the silver lining on Fox News

  4. How dare Karl Rove time the verdict two days before the verdict? It's another dirty trick. And, we all know the trial was fixed anyway. Mr. Hussein's constitutional rights were violated repeatedly, and the so-called "proof" that he ordered an attack is unconvincing. I am sure that attack was a setup by Rove, Bush and Rumsfeld when they were in the beginning stages of their master plan for world domination. The case should be appealed to the Ninth Circuit, so that this injustice can be corrected by Judge Reinhardt.

  5. Anonymous2:40 AM

    You DO realize, I hope, that thinking the Mark Foley scandal was some exquisitely timed piece of amoral political sabotage is an infinitely crazier premise than suspecting Hussein's verdict was intentionally rescheduled to abut the election?

    You DO realize, I hope, that the above quotes are YOUR primary elected leaders and media pundits, behaving in the manner you desperately lampoon as an idiot's lunacy.

    Brian: How dare Karl Rove... dirty trick... violate rights... master plan... Freemason handshake... Diebold memory chips... Skull and Bones... Elders of Zion... dogs and cats, living together...

    The corny "reduce everything to incoherent cartoon raving so that we needn't come to grips with our party's failures" shtick is worn down to a frazzle. There's no way you don't feel the emptiness, every time you retype the same tired lines. But when it's your only remaining card, I guess you gotta play it.

    A shifty play, however, trying to slip in the "so-called 'proof' that (Hussein) ordered an attack" remark amid the batty gibberish.

    Wouldn't it be just lovely if the nonexistent WMDs and the false 9/11 connection-- two lies that have reduced your hero's legacy to ashes-- could somehow be mushed together with controlled demolitions and Roveophobia and rigged outcomes and other silly paranoia, and shoved over to the fringe?

    Wouldn't it be glorious if the nonexistent WMDs and the false Hussein/Bin Laden connection hadn't actually been two of the triggers that have irrevocably defined GWB's legacy as the bum of all bums?

    Wouldn't it be great if your side had gotten it right?

  6. Hey See You Tuesday...I was being facetious. I have been commenting here for years and I know Erick knew right away. I love mocking leftists.

  7. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Obviously it's a joke, Henny. It's also a played-out joke with a weak premise. OK, so maybe it continues to wow the undiscriminating kind of comedy fan who waits expectantly for Andrew Dice Clay to say "Hickory dickory dock" for the 8,000th time. If jokes had sell-by dates, we'd both be whiffing stale milk right now.

    But it's nice that you like your joke. And since you love mocking leftists, maybe after the midterms are over and things are less hectic, you might even consider getting a second joke.
