Thursday, November 16, 2006

An inauspicious start

Here’s Bob Novak with “Pelosi’s first mistake”:

This is a no-win situation for Pelosi. If Murtha wins today, she will be accused of personal vindictiveness in derailing Hoyer, who is more popular in the caucus and better qualified for leadership. If Murtha loses, as is much more probable, she will be seen as bumbling her first attempt to lead the new Democratic majority.
I had C-Span radio on this morning and during the call-in program every single caller to the “Democrats” line voiced fervent support for John Murtha. So maybe Nancy Pelosi was playing to her base with the knowledge that Steny Hoyer would gain the majority position anyway. Or maybe I’m giving Nancy too much credit.

Extra - More on the Dems' shortened honeymoon:
WashPost: "Time of testing for Harry Reid" - "As minority leader, Reid was remarkably effective in keeping the Democratic caucus united but far less successful as a public spokesman for his party. His partisan comments were often too sharp, his television appearances less than commanding. In his new role, he will be far more exposed, and his flaws more conspicuous."
And from the NY Times: "After win, Democrats revert to finger-pointing"

More on the battle from Decision08.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    This Hoyer-Murtha squabble has totally removed the shine from that Democratic sweep. 2008 and 2012 are now in the bag for the GOP.
