Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ideological drift - George W. Bush: not a conservative. So says American Conservative magazine: “The problem is that he is generally called a conservative, perhaps because he obviously is not a liberal. It may be that Bush, in the magnitude of his failure, defies conventional categories. But the word “conservative” deserves to be rescued.” (HT: Arts & Letters)


  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Bush has never claimed to be a traditional conservative, he always claimed to be a "compassionate conservative". Traditional conservatives projected their own prejudices on him, probably because they have no other leader to call their own. Bush ran on his own platform of conservatism, and has governed essentially according to his promises.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    If we accept that "compassionate conservative" was empty sloganeering, that is true. Meaningless, but true.
