Monday, November 13, 2006

Hey there, Mr. Blue Sky – From the Weekly Standard: “Why Tuesday wasn’t so bad.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    What an empty, empty, beg-the-premise article.

    6. 'The conservative movement is dead!'
    Not even Rasputin has died so many times as the modern conservative movement, which has been dying since mere moments after its birth. It first died in the 1982 midterms; it died a second time with Iran-Contra; a third time in 1992, when Bush pere lost to Bill Clinton; again in 1996, and after the 1998 midterms; a fifth time during the Florida recount, and now, wouldn't you know it, the damned thing is dying again. Of course, this time it IS dead, but, but they said that the last time, and all the times previous. It has been shot, strangled, stabbed, beaten, stomped on, had its hands cuffed and been tossed into the Neva River, and, sure enough, a short time later, is rising up with a grin. And it will again.

    Although the appeal of imagining one's party as the unkillable Terminator is obvious, this alleged timeline is absurd.

    The modern conservative movement was falsely said -- by somebody, somewhere, don't ask for citations-- to have died during... the Florida recount??? WTF? When Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole? Really? Is this writer kidding? Why not add in when "West Wing" first got renewed, when Jim Jeffords switched parties, and when Bill O'Reilly's Al Franken lawsuit went nowhere?

    According to this writer, it's secretly a good thing to lose the popular vote, to deflate your party's energy by sweeping an election, and to see one's opponents in all the Senate chairs. If this dumb article had gone on for another half-dozen claims, it would have advised Reagan to thank Hinckley.
