Thursday, November 09, 2006

Get to the point – You seldom see reviews this direct. Writing about Microsoft’s IPod knockoff: “Zune stinks.”


  1. Would have been nice if the guy actually used one or at least had one in his possession.

    Nevertheless, I expect he'll be proven correct.

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Agreed--not having touched one does not lend his review much credibility.

    That being said, I have to agree with the gist of his article.

    Microsoft has waited too long to jump into this market. Too many people have committed and invested in other formats, especially iTunes, and they won't be switching after being so heavily invested in players, accessories, and media formats.

    The Zune does not provide enough extra features to be an "iPod killer"--it's merely another iPod competitor.

    The "points" system for buying songs seems particular warped. I don't want to be calculating exchange rates when buying a song, and I expect to pay for the songs I buy and only the songs I buy--not some bogus minimum that leaves Microsoft holding *my* money hostage!

    The small number of colors--and the colors themselves--offered for Zune players is pathetic. Not even a basic blue or red? I guess they're targeting the camo-wearing bow hunter market with the brown model.

    To provide wireless capability is brilliant! To cripple it like Microsoft did is retarded. Reports I've read says it takes prohibitively long to transfer songs via wireless, and to go through that to "borrow" a song for three plays/days is not worth the trouble.

    The suggested retail price for the Zune is in the same range as the iPod. No bargains there.

    I predict the Zune will flop--and big! But Microsoft has the cash and the drive to pursue a market and become a serious competitor. I'll be curious to see what v.2.0 has to offer.
