Monday, November 06, 2006

Down to the wire

From Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball:

Yet something is happening. Both the Washington Post/ABC News poll and the new Pew survey show a dramatic tightening of the generic ballot vote, with Democrats leading by 4 to 6 percent. If these polls are accurate, this is bad news for Democrats, and they suggest that Democratic gains might be more limited than have been widely expected. Perhaps the Republican vote is finally coming home--much later than usual. President Bush's campaigning in red territory and the GOP's smart get-out-the-vote operation may be working at last. We will know tomorrow night. [Emphasis in original]
Still, despite all that putative momentum, Sabato predicts the Senate will barely go to the Democrats 51-49, thanks to George Allen’s inept campaign.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Larry Sabato has lost all credibility by engaging earlier in the Allen "N" word controversy I wouldn't believe a word he says ever again.
