Monday, November 20, 2006

Democracy and gay marriage in Massachusetts

No matter what side you fall on with the issue of gay marriage, everybody should be appalled by the behavior of the Beacon Hill politicians who decided to ignore the state Constitution. That document declares that when the government is petitioned by the people, they “shall” vote on the matter. Instead:

Conservative and religious groups gathered a record 170,000 signatures on a petition to put the proposed ban on same-sex marriages on the 2008 ballot, but the measure also requires the support of at least 50 legislators in two consecutive sessions to qualify for a statewide referendum. On Nov. 9, legislators voted 109 to 87 to go into recess rather than vote on the gay marriage ban, all but dooming its chances of appearing on the 2008 ballot.

"The issue before us is not whether same-sex couples should marry. The issue before us today is whether 109 legislators will follow the constitution," declared Romney, promising to send the 109 lawmakers a copy of the constitution and their oath of office to underscore his frustration. "Let us not see the state, which first established constitutional democracy, become the first to abandon it."
Those on the Left who loathe judicial rule handed down by a conservative U.S. Supreme Court should be troubled by a social issue decided by a state court, leaving the people with no outlet to let the people decide.

Extra – From Wizbang: “Vox Populi, Vox Diddlysquat

Massachusetts Constitution: “Section 3. Amendment of Proposed Amendments. - A proposal for an amendment to the constitution introduced by initiative petition shall be voted upon in the form in which it was introduced, unless such amendment is amended by vote of three-fourths of the members voting thereon in joint session, which vote shall be taken by call of the yeas and nays if called for by any member.”

MoreIgnoring the people’s will in Michigan, too. Those stupid voters.

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