Saturday, November 25, 2006

The backlash in Holland

From the Economist: “Islam in Europe: Hostility at Home

Once a country renowned for tolerance of minorities of all stripes, the Netherlands now risks being known for an ugly debate over its growing Muslim population. As preliminary results emerged from general elections on Wednesday November 22nd, it became clear that a previously insignificant far-right party, the Party For Freedom, may claim as many as nine seats in a parliament of 150. The party had campaigned for a halt to all immigration, and in particular was hostile towards Muslims, calling for a ban on the building of religious schools and mosques and for a ban on veils worn by Muslim women.
As I’ve noted before, because European countries are heavily dependent on immigration to prop up the social state, it has led to an influx of people who do not meld with the liberal secularist society. Conflict is inevitable.

1 comment:

  1. An Australian offical said it perfectly in the last year or so when he said that if you wanted to live under Sharia then Australia is not for you, and perhaps Iran and Saudi Arabia would be more to your liking.

    Looks like some people in the Netherlands are starting to say the same thing and back it up.
