Sunday, November 26, 2006

Amazing Race 10 update – The Final Four in Morocco

Once again, the Race has boiled down to the point where I have to root for the team I dislike the least. I guess that’s Team Blonde, sure, why not? The four remaining teams start out from Kiev, Ukraine and must head to Ourzazate, Morocco and find an antique shop where they’ll pick up an amulet. The Blondies grab the first flight but it looks like the connecting flight to Ourzazate is late in the evening so a’bunchin’ is a’comin’. However, they miss the connecting flight in Milan while the other teams take a connecting flight through Paris. No matter: everybody’s together again.

In Morocco, teams take marked cars to the next clue. Team Alabama arrives at the antique shop first where they are then directed to Atlas Studios and a “Yield ahead.” The other teams seem lost and they pick up locals to direct them to the shop. It appears that Team Alabama is poised to yield Team Blonde, saying “what goes around comes around.” Huh? What, exactly, have the beauty queens done to Lyn & Karlyn? They’re nuts. No matter: the studios don’t open until 8am so it’s a footrace to the Yield.

Gates open! Wow, now Team Alabama has something to legitimately complain about: Team Blonde arrives at the mat third and yields Lyn & Karlyn. This is the Roadblock one team member must take a chariot around a course and do the Ben-Hur thing while grabbing flags off a line. By the way, I always love it when teams who were planning to yield somebody else get delayed themselves: then the whole concept of “fairness” gets turned on its head. Teams must drive somewhere and then find a café.

Team Bicker gets a flat tire on the way to the next clue. Rob handles it with his usual aplomb. He can’t figure out how to get the jack out of the car. Team Alabama, showing their boundless sense of fair play, quip “You should have yielded the Blondes” as they blow past them on the road.

Next it’s the Detour: Throw it or Grind it. Teams may make two pottery pots or grind olives; the twist is that either task only has three stations so everybody can’t choose the same task. After Team Bicker finally gets their tire changed, they decide to join the others grinding olives, unaware that everybody else is grinding. No matter: the Blondies get way lost on the way to the olive detour and must wait until one of the three teams finishes. The other teams finish and head to the Pit Stop which is a Berber camp in the middle of the desert.

On the way, all the teams are criticizing the Blondies with Team Alabama calling them “evil.” That must be a code word for “racing very well” at least until tonight. Team Blonde arrives last to the Pit Stop but it’s a non-elimination leg so they’ll be around for the next show. Won’t the other teams be upset!

Final standings:

#1 – Team Rehab – Tyler & James – Prize: Treo phone
#2 – Team Alabama – Lyn & Karlyn
#3 – Team Bicker – Rob & Kimberly
#4 – Team Blonde – Dustin & Kandace – Non-elimination leg

Next week – It’s the Rob and Kimberly mutual meltdown.

Extra – This space reserved for recaps from Pat & Kris.

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh, I could have sworn Phil said something about there being only two non-elimination legs even though I'm used to the concept of the first time around for the four teams being non-elimination as well.
