Friday, November 17, 2006

Alcee Hastings’ inquisitor – The Florida congressman is set to chair the House Intelligence Committee. But as Byron York reminds us, it wasn’t a Republican who forced him from office almost two decades ago: “Eighteen years ago, Democratic Rep. John Conyers came to believe that Alcee Hastings, at the time a federal judge in Florida, was guilty of impeachable offenses. Hastings stood accused of conspiring to take bribes, and, although it is little remembered today, Conyers served as the chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee that investigated Hastings and unanimously recommended his impeachment. After the House voted 413 to 3 to impeach Hastings, Conyers went on to serve as one of the House impeachment managers who successfully argued before the Senate that Hastings should be convicted and removed from office.”

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