Friday, October 13, 2006

Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky?

I had a great day today. First of all, I managed to bookmark on XM one of my favorite songs which, for some unaccountable reason, isn’t available on ITunes. (“Pilot of the Airwaves” by Charlie Dore.)
Then I beat a co-worker at lunchtime Scrabble.
Then I was tapped to give a presentation to the company’s president next week.
Then they gave the Nobel Peace Prize for a Bangladeshi banker who uses microloans to help people help themselves out of poverty.
Then China and South Korea agreed to (admittedly watered-down) sanctions against North Korea.
Then it was announced that no radioactivity was detected in the skies over North Korea, raising the speculation that their “atomic explosion” was either a fake or a super-dud.
Then I read that John Kerry has the highest negatives of any Democratic candidate in New Hampshire.
Stocks hit yet another record high, boosting my retirement fund.
And then Air America announced they were bankrupt.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    (Don't read this until Saturday.)

    The British army's chief of staff publicly bails on the premise of the UK staying in Iraq.

    The commission formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course and headed by James Baker has ruled out the prospect of victory for America, according to members of that commission.

    U.S. News & World Report quotes Bush allies who say he's counting on the GOP sweeping the midterms and has "no plan" if they don't.

    Ohio Rep. Bob Ney pleads guilty in the Abramoff case.

    It's revealed that Pennyslvania GOP Rep. Weldon is also under FBI investigation.

    Newest USA Today/Gallup poll gives the Democratic Party the edge in fighting terrorism.

    The Yankees' best player survives a plane crash.
