Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Squandered trust

Writing on the Corner, Rich Lowry perfectly encapsulates why the GOP will lose control in Congress: “The fundamental problem congressional Republicans are experiencing now is that they have almost no moral capital left after the last two years” And this: “They wanted to squeak by this year on gerrymandering, negative ads, and money, and just might have succeeded—had nothing more gone wrong.”

The Republicans in Congress betrayed the fiscal conservatives first, then the security conservatives, and now the religious conservatives. It’s going to take an existential get-out-the-vote effort to salvage control. It’s not going to be enough to say the Democrats are worse even though they’re unserious about the war on terror, committed to bankrupt the country through demagoguery on entitlement reform, and determined to raise taxes. With no agenda of their own, the Democrats wanted to make this midterm election a referendum on Republican rule…and the House leadership obliged.

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