Friday, October 27, 2006


Two weeks ago, a Massachusetts carpenter shook the world of Scrabble by racking up the most points ever in a sanctioned game. From Stefan Fatsis on Slate:

On Oct. 12, in the basement of a Unitarian church on the town green in Lexington, Mass., a carpenter named Michael Cresta scored 830 points in a game of Scrabble. His opponent, Wayne Yorra, who works at a supermarket deli counter, totaled 490 points. The two men set three records for sanctioned Scrabble in North America: themost points in a game by one player (830), the most total points in a game (1,320), and the most points on a single turn (365, for Cresta's play of QUIXOTRY).
Wow. I played Scrabble at lunch today (I lost) and my flashiest achievement was MUON played onto a triple word score while intersecting with SOU.


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    You might have done better, if you weren't such a kwyjibo.

  2. My high score is 594 (kicking myself for not hitting 600). highest word was 212 points, for PEACHIER across two 3W squares, and C on the 2L.

    I was getting some good letters that night.

  3. Oh, I had the worst tiles today. At one point, I exchanged in four "E"s from EEEEEIT and drew "AEEU". The Scrabble gods were not smiling on me today.

  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    You might have done better, if your sotry had been quicker.
