Friday, October 06, 2006

Pocketbook issues – The Economist: “Scandal has overwhelmed the campaign for next month’s mid-term congressional elections in America. But, underneath it all, the economy might matter rather more to voters


  1. Anonymous12:26 AM

    The magazine added, "we hope we hope we hope ooh please please pretty please with sugar on top we hope."

    When it was pointed out that the economy is very much a mixed bag for everyday Americans and might not be a vote-retainer for the GOP even in ideal political circumstances, the magazine ran down the hallway with its hands over its ears while screaming "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA."

  2. Yeah, it's funny how the Economist - a British magazine - is a tool of the Karl Rove/Ken Mehlman machine.

  3. Anonymous4:23 AM

    And it's hilarious how the all-purpose "booga, booga, Karl Rove is behind it all!" rightwing response has lost its supposed satiric power. Let alone its relevance during an election cycle that the real Rove will no doubt be distancing himself from, as fast as his little legs can take him.

  4. Anonymous12:15 AM

    That was an absolutely fabulous and insightful article from the Economist. The GOP pervert coverup threatens to overwhelm the elections, except it might not, which, if it doesn't, is good for the Republicans, because they want to focus on the economy, what with voters being optimistic about lower unemployment, inflation, and gas prices, except hold the phone, voters are fearful about outsourcing, health care costs, and immigration, and that's likely to help the Democrats, who also want to focus on the economy, because voter confidence hasn't yet translated into better poll numbers for Bush, even as Bush's numbers are up, and that's why the Republicans look troubled.

    And that's precisely what will happen, maybe.

    Move over, Nostradamus, there's a new sheriff in town!
