Saturday, October 07, 2006

On the precipice – How much worse can it get? Here’s Stuart Rothenberg on the Real Clear Politics blog: “The national atmospherics don’t merely favor Democrats; they set the stage for a blowout of cosmic proportions next month.” On the other side is Bill Kristol who believes the Foley story ultimately has no traction with voters and the Republicans could respond with effect: “It might not be amiss for Republican candidates to remind the electorate which of the two parties has, shall we say, a more "nuanced" view of sexual scandal.” Ugh…we need an Osama videotape.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    How much more glorious can it get?

    All fixed!

  2. While the Republicans certainly deserve to lose, the Democrats still haven't shown they deserve to win. Lord, I wish I had a party worth voting for.
