Tuesday, October 17, 2006

No love lost – The Boston Globe has the latest “John Kerry for President” article but nothing quite matches the loathe-fest by readers of the Globe. It’s pretty clear that the only posters in support of a second Kerry run are Republicans spoiling for a fight.


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    more like Republicans hoping for a fight they can win.

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hey Mose - courage. Say it often enough, you might actually start believing it.

    PS - Just a hint - you win elections by winning votes, not by talking trash you can't back up. We upped our votes in '04. Up yours in '08!

  3. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Dems = Charlie Brown. Repubs = Lucy with the football

    Bush = "Here's the World War Two flying ace, fighting a popular war in defense of freedom."

    WMDs = the Great Pumpkin

    Condi Rice = Peppermint Patty

    Where's Osama? = Oh yeah, he's that round-headed kid who feeds me
