Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Malthus was a fraud – Writing in the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby refutes the “population pessimists” on the occasion of the 300 millionth American: “If presidents seem less than thrilled about the population milestones reached on their watch, perhaps it is because they have been unable to shake off the prophecies of doom about "overpopulation" that date back at least to Thomas Malthus's prediction that starvation and misery were the inevitable consequence of population growth. That was in 1798, and we have been hearing from "Malthusian" alarmists ever since.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I just saw this 30 minute special on PBS about population. It was Bill Nye's new adult science show... and the whole thing was how terrible population growth is, and how growing population is going to destroy our way of life and all this other crap. They didn't even try to give another perspective.
