Monday, October 09, 2006

Kerry tries for a “do over”

It looks like my Senator is seriously gunning for a second chance at the Presidency by making stops in Iowa, Ohio, and New Hampshire. And I, for one, say more power to him:

“I have been through 38 states since the last election and see no enthusiasm for another Kerry run," said Charles E. Cook Jr. , publisher of the non partisan Cook Political Report. He described “a strong feeling among Democratic voters that they need to go with someone new, that he had his shot."
Ignore those naysayers, John Kerry! You’ve got that presidential hair and, um, other qualities I’m sure.

Extra – Bull Dog Pundit piles on a little.


  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    A pre-doomed Kerry candidacy would be a huge boon to the Democrats' hopes for '08. A whole lot of "hey look over here" to distract the GOP, and wasted time, and squandered resources, and reminiscing.

    If the DNC are shrewd, they'll reimburse Kerry for his Iowa gas money.

  2. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Run John, Run! What the world needs is your nuance to deal with North Korean nukes and jihadists.
