Monday, October 09, 2006

Interview with a North Korean defector

Here’s part of an interview with Kim Duk Hong from the PBS investigative show Frontline; he is described as “one of the highest ranking officials to defect from North Korea.”

A new administration in Washington is taking a tougher line in North Korea. Do you think is it proper?
I think that Bush knows how to treat Kim Jong Il. Don't trust Kim Jong Il, never, ever. What Kim Jong Il is doing is producing nuclear weapons to kill people in the world, and providing expertise in nuclear weapon development to countries which are anti-American. He kills our people, arrests people who are against his administration. He produces drugs. It's a national industry. He kidnaps other people from South Korea, or other democratic countries. He is doing all sorts of bad things, like the devil. Do not trust him, never, ever.

What do you believe the United States can do prevent North Koreans from acquiring weapons?
The only way is to kill Kim Jong Il. Possessing nuclear weapons is not dangerous. But the fact that Kim Jong Il has weapons is dangerous. I think that's why the Bush administration treats Kim Jong Il the way they do. Some people believe the problem can be solved by removing nuclear weapons in Yongbyon. However, if Kim Jong Il is still alive, he will make bombs again. I think that President Bush knows him. He is the only one who understands who Kim Jong Il is.
Mr. Kim also claims that the North Koreans resumed nuclear weapon development soon after signing the Geneva Agreed Framework “even before the ink dried on the paper.” Read the whole interview and more from the 2003 Frontline report: “Kim’s Nuclear Gamble.”

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