Sunday, October 08, 2006

Here comes the Big Dig bill

From the Boston Globe: “State panel to call for gas tax hike

A special state commission is expected to call for a 9-cent-agallon increase in the gas tax and reinstatement of tolls that had been eliminated in Western Massachusetts and in West Newton, according to two panel members.
Way down in the article, the “cost of the Central Artery” is cited as a reason to seek additional revenues. Highway funds to Western Massachusetts have already been slashed and, now that gas prices have dipped sufficiently to avoid an uproar, Beacon Hill is going to stick it to us again.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    MA is already losing folks to out migration. This would tend yo increase the loss of taxpayers to either north to the Free State ( or to the South.

    - in Arkansas

  2. Anonymous3:02 PM

    89% of Federal Highway Use Tax (2290) are diverted to other uses.
