Monday, October 23, 2006

Garden state politics – New Jersey Senate candidate Tom Kean Jr. gets a long profile in today’s Washington Post. If the son of a former NJ governor can’t win election against an unpopular candidate who is “under federal criminal investigation” (as Kean notes repeatedly) then there’s no hope for my former home state.

Extra – Matt Hoy asks: “Are New Jersey voters stupid?” Hey, I still have family in NJ, Matt. Watch it.


  1. Mr. Hoy's question is no different than if he asked, "Is the Ope Catholic?"

    I evacuated New Jersey years ago. Everyone pisses and moans about the ridiculous property taxes and other taxes, but still votes the Democrats every time. They get what they deserve each time too.

  2. I meant "Pope" of course...damn keyboard...

  3. For a second, I thought you were asking if Ron Howard was Catholic.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The Democratic NJ voters in the cities are smart - they receive incredible benefits paid for by the suburbs.

    The Republican majority out in the northwest corner where I live certainly votes for our own interest - Scott Garrett (R) will be easily re-elected to Congress for instance. The problem is that this area of the state is too lightly populated to change statewide elections. Sussex, Warren, Morris, and Hunterdon counties are generally carried by the Republicans.

    It is the liberal voters from the eastern inner suburbs who are simply idiots. I don’t know if they are just so rich that they don’t care about the taxes. Maybe they suffer from white guilt. Whatever the case, Bergen, Hudson, Union, and Middlesex counties are run by the Dems. Some of our finest leaders such as Bob Torricelli, Jim McGreevey, and Bob Menendez come from the suburbs of this area. They always manage to swing the state Democrat when it matters.

  5. Eric, you never answered the questions. Are your N.J. relatives voters? Are they stupid?

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Mr. Hoy's question is no different than if he asked, "Is the Ope Catholic?"

    Is the bombers' recall code from "Dr. Strangelove" Catholic?
