Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Everything you need to know about Kerry

“…a veteran, someone like me…”
Yes, we know.


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    It's too bad (for Kerry, anyway) that the ultimate shambling political hack waited until everybody agreed it was absolutely safe to hit Bush hard on Iraq before hitting Bush hard on Iraq.

    But he said a few other words today, too, and "yes, we know" these things too. And still, they're body blows the GOP has no plausible answer for:

    "It disgusts me that these Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country lie and distort so blatantly and carelessly about those who have...

    Bottom line, these Republicans want to debate straw men because they're afraid to debate real men...

    No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut and run policy in Afghanistan and a stand still and lose strategy in Iraq."

    Anyway, it's just precious, the way John Kerry thinks he's relevant. And it's adorable, the way Republicans jumped like kangaroos at the chance to relive their 2-year-old victory that seems like 20 years ago.

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I was with 1/25 Marines - based in MA - in Gulf I. Kerry and Kennedy came to visit us after the war was over. None of our Marines or Sailors were willing to visit them in the VIP tent or pose for pictures with them. We had not forgotten that they both voted against the use of force.

    They thought we should sit in the Desert for a year waiting for sanctions to work - while we heard horrific stories of rape and murder from the other side of the border.

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    ...aaaannnnnd he's apologized! That's our Kerry!

    NJ Soldier: enjoy your slashed veterans benefits, courtesy of politicians you presumably would pose with.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I keep hearing about these cuts in VA benefits. I use to work at the VA, and I can't seem to find these cuts from the people I still speak too.

    What should I expect from someone that is anonymous?

    The closest I can come is that the proposed budget was reduced, the actual budget is an increase from prior years.

    If my numbers are correct, I think there are more than double the amount of WWII vets still in the system than there are vets since WWII.

    In a few years the number of vets will basically be cut in half (unfortunately, take some time and talk to a WWII vet, while you still have the chance), yet funding is increasing, even though there will be less people in the system.

    But hey I just use to work there what do I know over an anonymous hack?

  5. Anonymous3:59 PM

    What should I expect from someone that is anonymous?... But hey I just use to work there what do I know over an anonymous hack?

    Awesome zinger! And do say hello to your parents, Mr. and Mrs. m68.

    Oh, and speaking of that devilishly anonymous internet, it's amazing what a 5-second Google hunt can locate.






    But it's not a cut, it's not a cut, it's not a cut. We shall honor our brave fighters, by making three or four of them fight over doubled resources (which went up!). Social Security funding is "increasing," also. Ask the guy who runs this site how satisfied he is about the way Social Security coverage is going up, up, up!

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    From 2001:

    "WASHINGTON, DC -- The White House today unveiled details of a proposed $51.7 billion budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1. "


    From one of your links for 2005:

    "Over all, the president is seeking $70.8 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, say Congressional aides who have seen budget documents from the agency. "

    Hmm 51 billion to almost 71 billion, that is almost a 50% increase in 4 years.

    Some cut.

    Or is my math fuzzy?

  7. Anonymous5:55 PM

    The purity of your "it's one louder, innit?" logic is breathtaking.

    By all means, don't read those links. The answer to your question is so simple, it will make your head hurt.

    I hope you have 12 more children, and that Congress recognizes your impending burden by raising the child tax credit another 40%.

    Hang onto that complicated "70 > 50" equation, for all it's worth. You're right, Craig, and all those veterans committees and economists and news reports can't even do first grade math.
