Thursday, October 19, 2006

Boston sticks it to New York; Red Sox players seen snickering

From the WSJ, via Free Republic: “Boston Globe doesn’t deliver for the Times

When the New York Times Co. bought the Boston Globe in 1993 for $1.1 billion, the family-run New York newspaper said it was betting heavily on the future of the highly educated, affluent Boston market.

But now that brainy, well-heeled populace turns out to be on the leading edge of a digital migration that is pummeling the Boston Globe so badly that it is on track for its first unprofitable year in its recent history, according to people familiar with the company's finances.
All together now: it’s the Internet’s fault!


  1. Karl Rove is using his Jedi mind trick machine to keep people from buying the Globe and the Times in an election year.

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Uproarious! You just can't go to that well too often.
