Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Are the Iraqi insurgents trying to sway the U.S. elections?

The Economist (UK) seems to suggest as much in “Iraq’s bleak future”:

If one were to consider only the news from inside Iraq, there would be many reasons to be depressed. The month of Ramadan, which is just coming to an end, has often seen extra bloodshed. This time around insurgents, some evidently aware that George Bush and the Republicans face disgruntled voters at the mid-term elections at home, have stepped up attacks. Violence between Sunni and Shia groups seems to be worsening, with massacres of civilians, especially in Baghdad. Add to that the fighting between Shia factions, as well as the activities of criminal gangs and extortionists. Few would now deny that Iraq is embroiled in a civil war.
Which is why we’re now seeing stories like this: “General weights 2nd troop shift to calm Baghdad.” Not good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Swing the "elections"? I don't think the Republicans have anything to worry about, with Diebold and ES & S "voting" machines in the contested races.
