Sunday, October 15, 2006

Amazing Race 10 update – Driving a car in India is no small feat

Before tonight’s review, I need to point out something my son noticed: CBS’s Sunday night lineup rhymes:

“The Amazing Race”
“Cold Case”
“Without a Trace”

After the local news, this is topped off by repeats of “CSI: Someplace.”

The remaining seven teams started out from Vietnam and headed for Chennai, India. Everybody had to start off on a train for the airport at Hanoi so it was a bunching situation. Team Ergo had on great T-shirts with a picture of Phil and a large “LOST” on top. Peter tries to strike an alliance with Team Blonde who appear desperate for help. Everybody must obtain tickets from a travel agency since you cannot purchase plane tickets at the Hanoi airport; there’s a lot of jockeying as teams try to find the fastest route to India. Team 16 Tons and Team Alabama gamble on a connecting flight at Dehli but there was only room for Alabama, leaving David & Mary behind. Fortunately, they find another airline arriving only 30 minutes later.

Once in India, teams must take a bus to a craft store at Malla…something. Team Blonde then Team Leg Up arrive but there’s a sign saying: “Back at 11:30.” Huh? Didn’t the Amazing Race production crew give them a heads-up? Anyway, it’s a Detour: Wild Things or Wild Rice. In Wild Things, teams must subdue a crocodile; in Wild Rice, teams must use colored sand to create an intricate pattern on the ground. Given that teams are going to get a lot of local help with the crocs, it seems crazy to spend time with the sand puzzle.

Peter continues his bid for the title of “most loathsome person to ever appear on the Race.” He never extends a hand of assistance and harangues her with a drumbeat of “C’mon Sarah!” in all circumstances. Sarah starts to crack and tells him she’s “not having fun” with him; he petulantly replies that he won’t try so hard. Tool.

Team Ergo and Alabama actually go to the Wild Rice Detour and quickly change their minds for the crocs. They catch up with Team Bicker who were waiting for the next bus to Chennai. Once there, teams find the Roadblock: one team member must pass the Indian driver’s test at the Karthik Driving School. This seems pretty straightforward and teams head to Chettinad House and the Pit Stop. Team Leg Up arrives first followed closely behind by Team Blonde.

Back at the Detour, Team Rehab and Team 16 Tons are doing the sand pattern. This was one situation where David should have made a command decision and chosen the crocodiles. Instead, he spends an hour listening to Mary nag at him. They get to the Roadblock very late, as the sun has gone down, then arrive at the Pit Stop in last place.

This is a non-elimination leg so Team 16 Tons gets a reprieve. However! However, this season it looks like they’ve done away with the previous penalty of taking away a team’s money before the next leg – since it never made a bit of difference. Instead, David & Mary must finish the next leg of the Race in first place or they will incur a 30-minute penalty. As we saw on a recent leg, this shifted Tom & Terry from a potential second place finish to eighth, so this penalty could cripple a team’s chances.

Final standings:

#1 – Team Leg Up – Peter & Sarah – Prize: gym equipment
#2 – Team Blonde – Dustin & Kandace
#3 – Team Bicker – Rob & Kimberly
#4 – Team Ergo – Erwin & Godwin
#5 – Team Alabama – Lyn & Karlyn
#6 – Team Rehab – Tyler & James
#7 – Team 16 Tons – David & Mary – Non-elimination leg

Next week: Looks like the Middle East. Camels are involved.

Extra – This space reserved for recaps from Kris & Pat. Kris also likes the revised NEL penalty.


  1. I like that Sarah is realizing what a jerk Peter is. In previous races, when the guy has been an ass, the woman seems to defend him. "He doesn't really mean it" or "You just don't understand him." Sarah is all "I'm rethinking the way I feel about him." Good for her!

    (By the way, did you see that Jonathan and Victoria just had a baby? Poor kid.)

  2. I noticed in the captions that Peter and Sarah were shown as "recently dating"; I suspect this may indicate they had broken up before the race even started. He is really a jerk, but I am sure that if they are Phil-Liminated Sarah will have good words to say about him (somehow).

  3. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I can't let pass without comment the gratuitous mocking of "Team 16 tons," by the front-runners at the airport. Peter had me in stitches with that "Y'all see a Burger King 'round here" line!

    I wouldn't want to be in Sarah's shoes (shoe?) when Karma comes around to nail that prick Peter -- I hope it makes for one of the best moments in race history.
