Friday, September 22, 2006

Where Bin Laden hides – AJ Strata has an interesting post titled “Waziristan deal nets Afghan terrorists” about U.S. & Pakistani maneuvers in the tribal region widely believed to hold the world’s top terrorists. Maybe this is the October surprise that Karl Rove promised.


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    And right after Musharraf signed his truce with Bin Laden, too. Imagine! What's that you say, the guy's in town? Astounding!

    I wonder whether this major breakthrough will be as huge as the hyped-up "suspected Miami terror cell" that popped up in the middle of the NSA scandal.

    By the way, has there ever been an effective "October surprise"? Ever? Bueller?

    Save us, Karly-Won Rovey! You're our only hope!

  2. Hopeless. The Left is absolutely hopeless. BDS has robbed them of all perception.

    I particularly love the 'question the timing' meme (after all, everything that happens has to happen at some particular time, and other things will happen more or less around that time, and exactly *when* would news the Left doesn't like *not* be at a bad time for them?) and the current example is illustrative.

    Got news for you dopes, both sides (yes, yes even the evil Republicans) are *supposed* and *expected* to try to win elections. Duh. Of course, as our present poster demonstrates, having sources of info outside the Lefty-loving MSM makes it possible for *both* sides to try to time stuff politically effectively.

    "Qeulle Horreur!!" Too bad, twerps.

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    When you're not busy loving the "question the timing" meme, tell us more about how Clinton only shot missiles at Bin Laden because of Monica Lewinsky.

    Seriously, dude... Musharraf rolled over, lifted up his robes, and took it hard from al-Qaeda... the increasingly ally-less Bush is loudly pretending that Pakistan has got America's back a week later... you think it's all sheer coincidence and random timing and everything has to happen sometime... and by the way, it's those liberals who are deranged.

    Wake up, hopeless Left! We're on the hunt™! There's nowhere he can hide™! And we will bring him to justice™!

    Oh, sweet sweet October Surprise! Come quickly!
