Saturday, September 23, 2006

What media bias? – Via Sister Soldjah, here’s a former WashPost columnist speaking to Hugh Hewitt: “It’s transparent. Okay, that I would agree. And I agree that whatever you want to call it, mainstream media, presents itself as unbiased, when in fact, there are built into it, many biases, and they are overwhelmingly to the left.”

Are we really still having this debate? The Sister has much more.


  1. The most interesting thing to me is that Edsall is obviously a serious, thoughtful guy, and he all but admits that when he (and by extension the MSM) writes about conservatives they don't really listen to what they say or read what they write but rely on what it's obvious to the MSM the conservatives *would* have said (if they fit the caricature understood by the liberal MSM). The cases of the Denver bishop and the ignorant Evangelicals clearly demonstrate this.

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Are we really still having this debate?

    Yeah, you're right. What a tired, tired topic.

    Post more shocking Dixie Chicks quotes!

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    May I recommend you see this TV spot for John Cox:
