Monday, September 25, 2006

There goes Pennsylvania – I think Rick Santorum might have had a chance for re-election if Carl Romanelli picked off some votes from Democrat Bob Casey. Unfortunately, a state judge ruled that the Green Party candidate did not have a sufficient number of signatures on his nominating petition to qualify for the November ballot. Color that Senate seat blue.

Since we’re on the topic, Scott Elliott has updated his latest Election Projection along with new polls and commentary. Pop on over and check it out.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    What's "unfortunate" about bidding adieu to a homophobe who tried to amend No Child Left Behind to mandate anti-evolutionary teaching, who thinks that there is no right to provacy even within marriage, who thought he had more insight into Terri Schiavo than her doctors did, and who thinks we really did find WMD but the media won't report it?

    How marvelous that in a few weeks, the only thing left of Santorum will be the distasteful definition that now bears his name.

    Adios, pasty mediocrity!

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Don't give up on PA yet - I think it may be a Republican surprise state.

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Oh yeah! An OCTOBER surprise!

    Karl Rove has credible reports of an imminent jihadist attack on Hershey Park, but he's just going to let it happen! Electoral GENIUS!

  4. Anonymous12:10 AM

    mark my words - santorum will win that seat. sooner or later fairy boy casey will have to show up at a debate and when that candy ass does, the difference between the two in terms of intelligence will be so obvious even dummycrats will closet vote for him. thats why casey is ducking him and pussyly failed to show up for 2 debates today
