Monday, September 18, 2006

Tell it like it is - The screenwriter of “Path to 9/11” defends his portrayal of President Clinton: “My sin was to write a screenplay accurately depicting Bill Clinton’s record on terrorism.”


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Ha ha ha! Is anybody still talking about this?

    "Waaaaahhhh! People don't like my crappy made-up screenplay! Waaaaaahhhh!!! The response to my TV movie is McCarthyism all over again! Waaaahhhh!!! I missed my own birthday party because of "time compression"!"

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

    And the Dems say that Bush suppresses dissent?

  3. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Yeah! Remember when those Dems forced "The Path to 9/11" off the air? Damn them!

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Tell it like it is

    It all depends on what your definition of "is" is.

    (Hey, wait just one cherry-pickin' minute...)
