Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Take your choice for jihad: reform or retreat

Here’s Jeff Jacoby in “A war we have to win”:

After 9/11, the United States went to war against Islamic totalitarianism; since 2003 that war has focused most dramatically on Iraq. It stands to reason that Iraq is therefore the focal point in the jihadis' war against the West. President Bush has made that point repeatedly, quoting Osama bin Laden's declaration that the war in Iraq is "the most serious issue today for the whole world " and will end in "victory and glory or misery and humiliation." Has US military action in Iraq inflamed the global jihad? Undoubtedly. But just imagine how galvanized it would be by a US retreat.
Once again to cite “The Looming Tower,” it was said that the Arab fighters started to pour into Afghanistan once the Soviets started to retreat. Thus, firing a gun at a retreating Russian tank because mythologized into a glorious victory. Do we inflame the Islamofascists by staying or encourage them by leaving? Nevermind answering that question, lurking Democrats.


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    From the piece:
    [i]That is the problem with Iraq -- it is not an easy mistake to fix.[/i]

    Too true.

    So therefore, don't give up and call a new plumber. Let's rehire the one who flooded your house.

  2. Quite right. The new plumber looks at the flood and says: "I won't do what the last plumber did."

    "But how will you fix it?"

    "I just told you."

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    By the lefts modern standards WW2 was a failure. We're still in Germany and soldiers die on the autobahn every year.

    The only thing the left cares about anymore is power.

    They spent 12 years telling us what a mistake it was to leave Saddam in power in '91 and that we had to do something about it. Most of their guys even voted to go into Iraq this time. Now its politically convenient to say it was a mistake with their friends in the media pushing the meme, but the jihadis and Baathists have come at us with guns, mortars, and bombs and their kill rate can't even equal the annual murder rate in America's larger cities. Meanwhile the new Iraqi government gets stronger every day and they have a real chance at democracy.

    The left will say and do anything to get into power even if it means millions dead in Iraq, just like when they pulled our support from South Vietnam. Giving the terrorists control of Iraq and its resources is a small price to pay for them if they can get their team in power.

  4. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Quite right. The new plumber looks at the flood and says: "I won't do what the last plumber did."

    "But how will you fix it?"

    "I just told you."

    So hey, why are you sweating that Boston Big Dig? "Mistakes were made," but you've got to "stay the course"! Who's more qualified to fix those tunnels than the same men who broke them?
