Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Quote of the Day – Here’s a cool and confident House majority leader John Boehner: “I have no fears about losing our majority. None.”

Thank you, Diebold!


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Haw, haw! Preventable election snafus are hi-LAR-ious!

    Democracy is good and all, but getting under people's skin and undermining presumptive faith in civic responsibility is so much funnier! And it has absolutely nothing to do with the lost credibility that have helped ruin Bush's Presidency and legacy!

    Ha, ha, ha! Participatory government as a punchline! Ha, ha, ha! Rim shot!

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Haw, haw! This is pretty rich coming from the "we were disenfranchised" crowd! And no, it's not jokes about it that have undermined Bush's credibility, it's the morons on the left that have cynically peddled what they know to be lies about "stolen elections" that have done that! But I guess it doesn't count, because no matter what you actually do, you're uniters, not dividers! Because you're inherently smart and good, and Republicans are inherently stoopid and eeeeeeeeevil!

    Ha, ha, ha! Undermining presumptive faith in civic responsibility and institutions and assigning the basest motives to your ideological opponents as a political strategy! Ha, ha, ha! Rimshot!

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Dear Rubber,

    You could have saved yourself future carpal tunnel syndrome by simply typing "I know you are, but what am I?"

    Love, Glue

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Dear Diebold,

    While your concern for the health of my wrists is precious, you shouldn't worry. As one of Rove's minions, typing is one of the many tasks our Dark Lord pays us to do - and we have a pretty good health plan. I know - who would have guessed! Health care - provided by Republicans!

    Sure, I mean, I work for Satan and all, but the benefits are great!

  5. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Demonstrated problems with current touchscreen voting technology = diabolical Skulls and Bones conspiracy, orchestrated by Satan

    It's always much easier to "debunk" something, once every legitimate concern is warped into a ridiculous cartoon. Did the divider Democrats make you do that, too?

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Did the divider Democrats make you do that, too?

    I didn't do anything - divider Democrats did all the warping for me. I guess in your world, that must mean they are my monkeys, and they dance when I tell them to.

  7. Anonymous4:34 PM


    Don't be a hater. We didn't draw the caricature, we just embraced it!

    We're here, we're evil election-manipulating 33rd level masonic satan worshippers working towards one world government controlled by the WMF, get used to it!

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Oh, what a stinging imitation of a rejected "South Park" premise. Against such self-congratulatory internet humor, what national issue can possibly survive?

    It's going to be hilarious watching history paint George W. Bush as a Rutherford B. Hayes figure, only not as majestic. Think of the fun we dividing Democrats might have missed these past 20 months, if John Kerry had somehow been elected.
