Saturday, September 16, 2006

The NY Times states the obvious – From “What would the Democrats do?”: “Democratic candidates around the country are trying each of these approaches in a cacophony of frustration and sorrow, reflecting divisions in the party at the national level. If it is hard to see a Democratic plan to end the war, it’s because there isn’t one.”


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    There's been an awful lot of "at least OUR disastrous, falsified, moronic plan to get stuck is better than THEIR having no plan to fix it!" rhetoric.

    Sure. We'll see how well that alleged logic plays out in November.

  2. Weird, when you realize that the Dems usually have zillions of 'plans' about everything. Well, that is per John Kerry they *say* they have plans. There just never seems to be anything concrete about these 'plans'.

    I guess we will see, indeed, if you can finally beat something with nothing.

  3. And I just love the logic of 'we'll see if your alleged logic beats my lack of anything. Ha!'

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    And I just love the logic of 'we'll see if your alleged logic beats my lack of anything. Ha!

    You love that humor, and so do a third of your fellow citizens. It's a regular laughfest.

    If only the choice were as stark as "something" vs. "nothing." Let's accept the boilerplate talking point premise regarding the latter, for the sake of argument. Even then, the choice has been popularly recognized as "the criminally inept and divorced from reality wrong thing" vs. "nothing."

    And that affects the betting odds just a hair.

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    'Something Stupid' seems to think that the Democrats could actually do 'nothing' in Iraq. Just what would nothing involve? More of the same (nothing = no change)? That can't be right. Pull out by the end of the week? Obviously stupid. Pull out when things are calmer? That's the current plan. Send more troops? That would suit the constant Democratic charge that we don't have enough troops in Iraq, but it's very far from doing 'nothing'. So what exactly is your 'nothing' plan? Something Stupid? (Hope that punctuation isn't too insulting.)

    Dr. Weevil

  6. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Um, actually it's the GOP talking points memo that claims the Democrats "have no plan" and "stand for nothing." And they smell, too, but let's let the claim ride.

    The premise is that this (alleged) policy void cannot and will not win at the polls against the Republicans' black and white "plan for victory." Because something always beats nothing.

    This might be true if the "GOP plan" reflected any kind of reality, or stood any chance of succeeding. As this is not the case, the premise is taking on water.

    Laurel and Hardy had a "plan" to fix the roof of their house, too.
