Thursday, September 14, 2006

Not dead yet – Air America staffers are not ripping copper wire out of the walls and pocketing ink cartridges. Vicious lies, all of them.


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Jeepers! Why aren't all those millions of twisted, vitriolic liberals suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome tuning in? What happened to their famous herd mentality?

    It couldn't possibly be that they don't exist. They positively LIVE for repetitive hateful propaganda that feeds their displacement! A thousand bloggers have told us so!

    Still, it's puzzling. How can an anti-Bush radio network fail, while angry rightwing radio thrives? Who wrote the "bitter liberal media" meme anyway, Dan Rather's producer?

    Hmm. Maybe it's that the Bush Lied People Died mob's paranoid hysteria has gotten so out of control that they're afraid Karl Rove has trained their radio dials to bite them. Yeah! After all, they're all moonbats!

    Yes, it must be something like that. It must be. It must be.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    It's hard to recall the aggressive swarm coverage of hollow stories like Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, the Swift Boat group, and so forth, and still hold the belief that the media is this monolithic pro-liberal force. Most media outlets are, fundamentally, promotional arms of corporations. And as such, their bias is in the direction of saleable sensation and preserving the status quo. This bias has political connotations, as everything does. But it's hardly in the dogmatic service of DNC talking points.

    The relative success of Fox News proved there was a demand for that kind of product. On the other side of the aisle, there is no equivalent leftwing channel and never was. Granted, Air America is a crappy station, so perhaps superior talent and presentation would reveal a similar preexisting hunger for a distorted all-liberal-dogma national outlet. But so far, that just hasn't happened (or at least it hasn't yet been successfully exploited). Either way, it undermines the "liberal mainstream media" meme that infuses the right with so much energy.

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Either way, it undermines the "liberal mainstream media" meme that infuses the right with so much energy.

    AA's troubles don't undermine that idea, they corroborate it: one reason AA is struggling (besides its agonizing crappiness) is that its message is redundant. People can hear leftwing Bush-bashing in dozens of other places.

    But your whole premise is wrong -- being run by a corporation doesn't make an operation conservative. This is demonstrated abundantly every day -- a corporation can be liberal and do liberal things. It's easy.

    I think a lot of the time, when someone disputes the left-wing slant of the mainstream news media, it is because they themselves are even further to the left. If the NYT doesn't issue daily calls for the armed overthrow of capitalism, then certain people think its because the paper is in thrall to its corporate masters.

  4. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Which of the major conglomerates that own our nation's media... Westinghouse, Disney, General Electric, Fox, Time Warner, e.g. ... do you think is dedicated to promoting an anti-Bush agenda? And for what advantage?
