Thursday, September 28, 2006

New Jersey Senate is a lock for the GOP

And that’s a pickup as Tom Kean, Jr. will doubtlessly supplant the current Senator, that corrupt puppet of Jon Corzine, Robert Menendez:

A psychiatrist who worked as an FBI informant in a criminal investigation of several northern New Jersey politicians has linked Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez to a scheme to manipulate government contracts, several published reports said Thursday.

In court papers filed in New Jersey in March, Oscar Sandoval said he was pressured in 1999 to hire a doctor Menendez preferred or he would risk losing $1 million in government contracts. Sandoval taped the 20-minute telephone call with Donald Scarinci, a longtime friend of Menendez who is also a powerful lawyer and has been a fundraiser for Menendez's campaign.
Despite the current polls, this will sink Menendez as New Jersey voters turn away from corrupt officials. Even the “switcheroo” won’t work since Kean is a popular scion of New Jersey. Chalk it up.


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    64% of New Jerseyans disapprove of George W. Bush, and just 32% approve.

    The 2:1 ratio in NJ is one of the starkest in the country. In the same Menendez-Kean poll, the Bush approval rating's just 30%. And more than half the voters "closely" associate Kean and Bush.

    But hey, there's absolutely no possible, conceivable way you can lose. New Jersey has never, ever elected a Democrat whose name was connected to scandal. Or, in 5-term Mayor Sharpe James' case, at least they didn't re-re-re-re-re-re-elect a Democrat whose name was connected with scandal.

    Congratulations in advance! This one is over!

  2. Um, yeah. That's what I'm saying.

    But thanks for your affirmation.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I'll see your 50-50 GOP lock, and raise you a former "shoo-in" Republican Representative who sends dirty emails to scrumptious young pages.

    Now that district's simultaneously a Dem pickup, and an unsuccessful GOP pickup.
