Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In the House – American Thinker says that Democratic control of the House “might happen.” But Scott at Election Projection has decreed the GOP will retain control and he’s sticking to his guns. I stand by my assertion that the Democrats will sink due to a lack of money and message.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    What do you mean, "sink"? That the Democrats will lose seats in the House?

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Dems lose seats in the House? That seems right to me. Not many, but one or two.

  3. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Oh yeah, sure, the Dems'll lose two House seats in November. One to the beautiful Rainbow Princess, and one to a magical unicorn.

  4. Anonymous5:34 PM

    The GOP won't pick up House seats if Osama bin Laden turns up on Halloween and pees on Mount Rushmore. But I agree that there will be no 1994-style wipeout.

    Not that I'd ever insinuate that the GOP sometimes oversells hypothetical threats for political reasons... but after all the "majority in jeopardy/Dems posied to impeach" talk, look for the RNC to trumpet the Republicans' hanging onto Congress by the skin of their teeth as some sort of glorious victory.

  5. "The GOP won't pick up House seats if Osama bin Laden turns up on Halloween and pees on Mount Rushmore."

    OK, I'll admit it, I laughed out loud at this.
