Saturday, September 23, 2006

How to know when your Bush Derangement Syndrome is terminal

Even the New York Times can’t stomach it. Almost too good to excerpt, here’s part of a book review of Lewis Lapham’s book about President Bush:

But unless you agree with it 100 percent — and are content to see almost no original reporting or analysis in support of these claims — you may feel less inclined to throttle Lapham’s targets than to throttle Lapham himself. For this book is all about Lewis Lapham: the breathtaking lyricism of his voice, the breadth of his remarkable erudition. He goes across the street and around the corner to confirm the worst stereotypes about liberals — that they’re condescending, twee, surpassingly smug.
Sounds about right. (Hat tip: Tigerhawk)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:13 AM

    "Bush Derangement Syndrome," that's just precious. Do you guys have decoder rings and a club motto, too?
