Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dig those plaid fashions – The Bay City Rollers lip-synching their hit song. Note that the drummer never hits the cymbal – not once. Heh.


  1. Anonymous3:34 AM

    That is hysterical...he never even comes close to hitting the cymbal.
    I have to give myself a pat on the back. I was 17 when that song came out, and I knew it sucked. Otherwise, I wasn't too hip.
    Elroy Jetson

  2. Yeesh! Ahh, the 70's...the most atrocious of all decades, and yet the one I miss the most...

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    he's hitting the crash cymbal on his right, though he's using an upward strike most of the time. He never hits the ride cymbal nor the hig-hat in front of him...
