Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cheap drugs for all!

The coincidence of these two events are so perfect, the conspiracy-based side of the blogosphere is sure to call it a election year ploy even more sinister than lower gas prices:

Wal-Mart to offer discounted generic prescription drugs

House, GOP agrees to relax ban on importing drugs from Canada

Another domestic issue off the table. Who said this was a lame-duck Congress?


  1. But, but, but Wal*Mart is pure evil. First it offers cheap groceries and decent-paying level jobs and now it's got the nerve to offer cheap medical drugs? Is there no end to the anti-labor perfidy of Wal*Mart?

  2. Anonymous2:13 AM

    But, but, but I like pretending I've never heard about Wal-Mart's predatory business practices! It lets my partisan hyperbole run free!
