Friday, September 22, 2006

Bad blood – From the Anchoress: “Chavez clearly listened to Dems and Air America” - "If tinpot tyrants and madmen now come to the United Nations and believe they can say anything they wish about The American President, it is because - as some of us have been warning, for some time - while all manner or irresponsible nonsense and hate has been directed at this president…the world has been watching."


  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Oh really? Air America taught the world to say bad things about U.S. Presidents? Beginning in the spring of 2004?

    Anchoress' opinion is, in a word, retarded.

    But I never would have said so before Chavez' speech.

  2. Or just another Lefty reading comprehension problem?

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Nope, just "retarded." Thanks for the attempted help, though.

    If Venezuelans only just learned how to be nasty to U.S. leaders through the discourtesy of Hugo Chavez, somebody had better reimburse Richard Nixon for his 1958 dry cleaning and car repair bills.

  4. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Hey, after his quote comparing Hillary Clinton and Satan, who knew that Jerry Falwell was such a fan of Air America and Hugo Chavez?
