Thursday, August 03, 2006

Why Bill Kristol makes the big bucks, and I don’t

A couple weeks back on Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol said something along the lines of (roughly from memory): “Joe Lieberman is in trouble in Connecticut. All the energy there is on the other side with primary opponent Ned Lamont.” Up until today, I dismissed the idea of Nutmeg State Democrats ejecting Lieberman has wishful thinking, but not anymore.

Momentum for Ned Lamont, the anti-war Connecticut U.S. Senate candidate, increases as he rolls to a 54 - 41 percent lead over incumbent Sen. Joseph Lieberman among likely Democratic primary voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Wow. Not only is Joe going to lose, he’s going to lose huge. The latest firestorm over the Jane Hamsher picture isn’t going to shift opinion among these primary voters of which 85% have reportedly made up their minds.

MoreHillary sez: “Hey, Kos Kidz, I’m really anti-war now. Honest. Rumsfeld stinks! Please.”


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    What? No way!
    Brian said...
    I cannot believe anyone actually thinks that Lamont has a shot. He will get smoked.

  2. Yeah, I said that. And I stand by it. Check back here next week. How many times has the liberal been "way ahead" in the polls but come up short when it counts...too many to list here.

    I did a lot of polling as a grad student and I call tell you right off the hardest thing to do is to determine who is actually voting in a primary.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Based on the normal overreport you see with the liberal candidate, I'd say Joe is likely to lose a squeaker, not get blown away. I normally deduct 6 percentage points from a liberal leader and add it to the conservative. That makes it 48% Lamont; 47% Lieberman.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    " How many times has the liberal been "way ahead" in the polls but come up short when it counts...too many to list here."

    But Joe is a liberal! Just ask him!
