Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What media bias?

Here’s the second paragraph from a NY Times article about the “superrich” avoiding taxes:

Among the billionaires cited in the report are the owner of the New York Jets football team, Robert Wood Johnson IV; the producer of the “Mighty MorphinPower Rangers” children’s show, Haim Saban; and two Texas businessmen, Charles and Sam Wyly, who the Center for Public Integrity found in 2000 were the ninth-largest contributors to President Bush.
So right away the author purposefully associates tax dodgers with Republicans and/or President Bush. But who is the single-largest individual contributor to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates?

Haim Saban.

Or more specifically, Haim Saban, Cheryl Saban, and the Saban Capital Group.

Extra – Brian at Iowa Voice digs deeper.


  1. Remind me again how much Terezay Heinz and John Kerry pay in taxes? And neither one of them really earned it. (Well, Kerry probably does in some sense.)

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Kerry married a woman who married a man who inherited his wealth. You can't get much farther away from the actual earning of that wealth.

  3. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I know a certain former co-owner of the Texas Rangers, whose dad's and granddad's political connections helped ram through a sales tax increase to finance a new gift stadium, who might contest Kerry's crown. And this former co-owner has 2,200% profit on someone else's money to back up his claim.

  4. Anonymous1:08 AM

    I know a certain former co-owner of the Texas Rangers, whose dad's and granddad's political connections helped ram through a sales tax increase to finance a new gift stadium, who might contest Kerry's crown. And this former co-owner has 2,200% profit on someone else's money to back up his claim.

  5. Anonymous1:11 AM

    A welfare check so nice, I accidentally posted it twice!

  6. So, then arbusto, you basically accept eric's point that evil Dem/Lib wealthy bastards take just as much advantage of 'tax breaks for th wealthy' as those they castigate, hmmm? I'm glad to see you admitting the hypocrisy of so many major Dem office-holders, backers, and candidates.

    (Anyone know how much taxes are paid by Jon "I won't raise you taxes/oh, yes, I will" Corzine, that fat Plutocrat?

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Oh my Lord, JorgX! Openly questioning the wealth inequities propagated by the rich ruling class? That... that's CLASS WARFARE (TM)! Unclean! UNCLEAN!!! Turn in your GOP membership card immediately!

  8. Nope. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left. Not that anyone should need it pointed out.

    It would just seem that those who complain most about such wealth would be just the teeniest bit embarassed to count among their members such as Soros, the Kennedys, Kerry, Corzine and their other fabulously wealthy colleagues.

    Then I remember that being on the Left means never having to be embarassed because you have no sense of shame.

    And, like a good Lefty arbusto didn't answer the core question and attempted to deflect attention. Like I said. No sense of shame.
