Friday, August 11, 2006

Voter fraud uncovered in Ohio!

Wait, it’s a left-wing group? Put it on page C23, under the Ziggy cartoon.


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Ah, yeah, you got your scrubbing legitimate voters off the rolls for futurecrimes, hackable paperless voting booths owned by major GOP donors, and fake terror alerts to evict vote count observers on the one hand... and then on the other hand, you got your $11-an-hour former telemarketers and Taco Bell cashiers writing down "Donald Duck" to scam an extra $22 off their two-week job.

    It's all equally mischievous, so what's the good of pointing fingers at anybody? Tomato, tom-ah-to.

  2. ACORN is also the group that got in trouble for (get this) not paying its own employees the minimum wage.

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Looks like they're not a "liberal group" at all, then!

  4. And you got your proof of such crappy charges, where dingle-dangle?

    And where can I buy a voting booth? I think that would be great.

    Oh, I almost forgot. You're a Lefty and therefore charges and assertions are actually better than evidence and proof.

    Wanna make a comparison of actual convictions of Dems and Repubs, moron?

    P.S. Franklin County Ohio is a Demcratic stronghold, you dembulb.

  5. Anonymous8:44 PM

    The counterargument:
    Lefty, moron, dembulb.

    Ooh, so close. If only you'd thrown "unserious tinfoil Defeatocrat surrender monkey" into your witty rebuttal, you could have clinched GOP victories for a generation. But now, Rick Santorum's santorum will be on your hands.
