Friday, August 25, 2006

Unbelievable moonbattery – From Ace: “HuffPo Poster (NOT Commenter) Pines For Another 9/11 To Force American "Regime Change"”

Extra - RedState: “Holy Lord, they are unhinged.” But don’t question their patriotism!


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    If any two words could possibly encapsulate the moral depravity and utter unseriousness of the National Democratic Party these past ten years, those two words would have to be "Russell Shaw."

    Thank God someone has finally found the courage to stand up to the influential ravings of Russell Shaw. Russell Shaw's much-quoted era of madness has poisoned our nation for too long.

    Expect the Shaw Machine to strike back hard. But you and I know that if the first cracks in Russell Shaw's national reputation have begun to appear, important work has been done today.

  2. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Wow, you were way ahead of the curve in spotting this important story. It's totally dominated the national news (as all things Russell Shaw invariably do).
