Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Today’s least-surprising revelation

From the NY Times: “Details emerge in British terror case

Investigators say they believe that one of the leaders of the group, an unemployed man in his 20’s who was living in a modest apartment on government benefits, kept the key to the alleged “bomb factory” and helped others record martyrdom videos, the officials said.
Of course. “Death to the infidels” and “Where’s my check?”


  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Are you surprised?

  2. Anonymous5:08 AM

    The logic is clear. Typically, terrorists come from poor communities. Therefore, we must abolish the estate tax. This will result in the wealthy having more money to hire away the future suicide bombers of tomorrow. Welfare, Social Security and universal health coverage are like exploding Ponzi schemes that send hot shards of shrapnel rocketing through our economy.

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Islamic Fascists have an incredible sense of entitlement. I’m sure this guy felt he deserved the welfare checks he was receiving.

    I guarded some Iraqi Republican Guard prisoners in the first Gulf War. One Major had the nerve to complain about the food and that the enlisted were fed before him - we told him he was lucky we let him live. He looked and acted so much like a dark-skinned SS Nazi, I would have thought it too much of a stereotype if he was a character in a movie.

    (Turns out we didn't let him live long. Kuwaiti investigators pulled him out of our camp to stand trial for war crimes. I assumed he was one the many who were hanged for rape, murder, and torture. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.)

  4. Obviously, the solution to this is more government programs. If he had Head Start, better school lunches, and a better social safety net, people like these citizens would not be forced to desperate measures in order to feed their children.

  5. Anonymous12:58 AM

    As critical as government assistance programs are to the causes of Islamic terror, I think finding out which songs were on his iPod might be even more important.

    But since we can't find Osama, let's bomb Medicare instead!
